Friday, January 30, 2009

You Don't Know Jack!

Keep praying Jack, and please don't cry. Nothing was more satisfying in these last couple of days then the scenes of Jack Layton knowing that hes was royally screwed. His anger looked like jealousy, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Dumb enough to think a coalition would still work with highly educated Liberal leader, Layton got a rude awakening when Ignatieff gave him the Heisman on national T.V. Brilliant was it? Yes, yes it was. In a democratic and free country, even the Liberals know that the Communist ways of the NDP brASS don't fit into society. Certainly they don't fit into their plans of trying to oust the conservatives. But why oust a minority that they can somewhat control. Moreso, why join forces with two parties that are so far off what Canada needs and plunge their party into even more turmoil then it currently is.

So long Jack, as of now, you are completely irrelevant to Canadians. I think you underestimated Canadians, Jack. Didn't you figure out they aren't all as dumb as you? Like the title says, I guess you don't know Jack.

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