Saturday, January 24, 2009


Two days ago Mr. Obama made a rule that would be tough against Lobbyists entering his Administration. Flash forward to this weekend, Obama now wants a waiver to his own rule. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS, YOUR BREAKING RULES ALREADY? AND THIS ONE WAS YOUR OWN????!!?? William Lynn is the man who Obama wants in, and to do so is asking for a waiver to his own rule.

(Best part about this is CNN is raggin' him, how they have changed their tune in two weeks LOL)

The American people are cynical enough and now they have this to contend with, as well as Obama straying away from "I will make change" to "I will try to make change, but I'm not so conifident anymore, but oh well, I am here for 4 years now so who cares, right?"

A pathetic display, but hey, you voted America!

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