Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Simply Disgusting!


Any other team doesn't get this to work. Screw Chelsea and paying off the FA.

Stupid American Swine

Since the Day Tom Hicks and George Gillett took over Liverpool I have been concerned with the future of the storied football club. Don't get me wrong, the promises they set out and even splashing the cash on such players as Fernando Torres led me to be believe otherwise. The future of my favorite club looked bright. That was until they dumped on the debt. Then they tried to hire Jurgen Klinnsman for no reason. Why? Why Klinnsman? And for what good reason? Rafa has led the Reds to European glory, another final and semi final in the Champions league, a FA cup triumph, and maintained top 4 in the league. Now this year we have topped the table and have beaten Manchester United for the first time in 7 years at home in the league. Klinnsman is not a good manager, plain and simple. He's more about the spotlight then actually winning games.

Now the American Swine are refusing to fund the new stadium plans, and won't sell the club to DIC. Assholes. They are clearly not interested in the club, though the yanks has doubled their investment already. They have no interest in spending cash to buy players, having only allocated 45 million to player transfers. They aren't interested in funding the stadium, having only allocated 60 million for a stadium worth 6 times that. And all they are really good at is fighting with Rafa, and Parry and pissing the players and fans off but the tens of thousands. SELL THE DAMN CLUB!

DIC are waiting in the wings, though for a reasonable price tag. The Swine are asking for 800 million pounds, 1.6 Billion American. DIC are rich, the richest in the UAE, but they aren't dumb. The club is worth a lot, but even that is too steep. DIC are ready to build a new stadium now, they are ready to buy new players, ASAP. They want to show their brass, they want to compete and make a stronger team. And they also want to compete with their rivals who just bought Manchester City.

While that does have me worried a bit, DIC aren't wanting to take over the soccer world, and Manchester City is the second team in Manchester. They have no history, and they are going to send wash outs and people only playing for money. That equals little success. Liverpool are a household name, players will flock to a team that are stalwart in Champions League and the domestic league.

It is time. It is time to move on from these pricks. They have tried to ruin England's most successful club team. Liverpool's fans are coming together, looking for 100,000 fans to donate 5 G's to buy majority control over the club. Reports are saying that DIC would fund the rest. Fan own clubs have won 7 Champions league titles in the last 15 years. And with some money through the DIC minority, Player transfers would be easier, and Rafa could manage the team he's been trying to make for the last 4 years.

Time for a change, and a real change this time.