Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Strange thought process

Why do Americans vote for change when said-change involves Higher Taxes, higher prices on imports and therefore higher prices on goods and services. Why vote for pro-abortion? Pro-welfare?

Oh I get it, the uneducated and poor, and people who make bad decisions in life decided to vote for once because they were promised that they would live in equality with the rich people in America. WHAT A CROCK!!

Anyone who believes privatized business's will stand for higher taxes belong in the category of voters who voted for Obama, problems in the brain.


Brad said...

Your logic is so flawed that one cannot even begin to criticize it because there is not even a place to start.

Scott said...

Sorry, but his campaign doesn't lie. Pro-Abortion, Pro-Welfare. Bringing in laws so homeless people could vote by using park bench numbers as physical addresses. Higher taxes, yeah that's a great idea for a failing economy. I guess if you agree with all that then my logic is wrong, but who would want to vote for that?

Brad said...

Why shouldn't homeless people be allowed to vote? If all men (and women) are created equal, then they have just as much right in the decision process as possible.

And maybe I am pro-abortion and pro-welfare. Maybe I have absolutely no problem paying higher taxes to help solve some of the issues the government faces. So maybe I would, in fact, vote for these things.

Brad said...

and by possible i clearly mean "as anybody else"

Scott said...

So you agree that murder is cool. And welfare? Yeah lets reward the people who could care less about working. On and raise taxes on everyone, poor - rich, yes that solves the economic process. Many economists believe taxing the rich will just add to the crisis thats already ongoing.

Jordan said...

Scott, does there come a time when the flag and the bible need to get out of the same bed?
In my views, abortion is wrong, but mabye its about time people stop voting because of who stands for issues that wont be changed (Bush had 8 years to pass a abortion bill, but didn't) and start voting on what leader will aid in pulling a country out of a economic recession.

Scott said...

Why should we have to separate God from country? Especially when the country was formed on Christian principles.

And it's not Bush who didn't pass a Bill, why do people peg the faults of unpassed bills and laws on one person, when many more people vote for them. Democrats are the reason why that bill didn't pass, considering they are in control of the house, they didn't vote for it, and therefore it wasn't passed. Not Bush's fault, but all people in the house.

The economic crisis is just one more issue that a candidate will stand for, people will vote for things that affect them, whether its economics or religious views. Its all the same depending on who you talk too and what their priorities are.