Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Whaaambulance...

For the the whiners and critics and the people who bitch and moan about another conservative government.


And if you wanna blame someone blame yourself. Blame yourself for the record low amount of people that voted. Blame yourself for not caring about Canada on TV then watching something that effects you. And blame yourself for being naive and ignorant to Canada.

As a Conservative I'm happy they won, and even more happy when i see all the whiners come out in vast numbers this morning. You probably didn't vote, probably didn't concern yourself with the issues, and probably couldn't care less. You don't deserve to whine and moan, you don't deserve to take issues in the matter of our government and you make no difference in this world whatsoever.

And please don't tell me your vote wouldn't have counted, there were a lot of tight races. And were talking almost half of Canada could have still voted. It's a shame really.

On the other hand, thank you half-of-Canada for not voting in Communism and thank you for not raising the price of fuel. I guess some credit is deserved.

GO HARPER!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Very fine......

Jordan said...

Conservatives didn't even have 1/2 of the popular vote :P
But I'm glad to see harper over any other goonie that is running. But $273 mil later we have aanother conservative minority with 16 less liberal seats. An expensive waste of time?
and I'm wondering how the libs are gonna hold a leadership confrence when they just put themselves in a 9mil deficit as a party. And dion hasent even paid off his leadership campaign debt... Wowaa...

Scott said...

Sorry Jordan was looking to get back to you, but i've been out of it with my surgery.

Conservatives, obviously, judging by the the elections results had enough of the popular vote to get more seats then they had before.

I don't think it was a waste of time at all, there were significant and major gains in Ontario. Once a liberal safe haven, places like Toronto have started going to the good side and voting conservative, there were alot of losses for the Liberals in Ontario. This hasn't happened in decades.

In fairness, Dion was never first choice as Liberal leader, he was just the consensus vote because Rob Rae and Michael Ignatieff share 50% of liberal support each. Now the Liberals will be forced to go for one of those two. I would watch out if Ignatieff gets in too, hes a solid MP, and would be a good leader for the Grits.