Friday, October 12, 2007


Al Gore does not deserve to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. What a joke, thats how stupid that award has now become. We now award it to useless people. Hurray!!


Brad said...

C'est la vie! Your fantasy football team does not deserve to be 3-2 yet there you sit, somehow managing to have pulled off 3 victories.

Scott said...

Umm i put up 200 points, for all three of those. According to you, that usually means a win. Regardless, fantasy football is luck, Al Gore is a retard. That isn't luck, you can count on it day in and day out.

Ty said...

Yeah, Al Gore sucks. HAHAHAHAHA!I'm the Ex-Next President!!! good 1 Al Gore!!

Brad said...

post more stuff on your blog.