Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The End Times

"End times beliefs in Christianity vary widely. Christian premillennialists, who believe the End Times are now, usually articulate a fairly specific timetable that climaxes in the end of the world. For some, Israel, the European Union, or the United Nations are seen as key players whose role was foretold in prophecies. Among dispensational premillennialists, there are those that believe that they will be supernaturally summoned to Heaven by God in an event called the Rapture before the tribulations prophesied in the Bible's book of Revelation take place.

'End times' may also refer simply to the passing of a particular age or long period in the relationship between man and God. Adherents to this view sometimes cite St. Paul's second letter to Timothy, and draw analogies to the late 20th/early 21st centuries."

What do you think about this, or think about the End Times in General?

Does reading Revelations scare you at all?

Do you ever wonder what will happen, do words like Apocalypse, rapture, or judgement scare you?

And are we living during the last millennium right now? Is the USA the last great power, the one that will fall to its knees?



Scott said...

Hello, who are you by the way, and how did u find out my blog?

Anonymous said...

I saw you were discussing the End Times.

Scott said...

I understand that, but how? What brought you here, and who are you and where are you from?

Anonymous said...

I found you through search. I'm after traffic to my site.

Scott said...

Ok, so what makes you think that your whole speech is actually right? From what I've read, id venture to say most people think you are crazy. How do you feel about that, and what would you say in defense to that?

Anonymous said...

I am indeed a far out Space Cadet - totally mad, no bones about it.
One last time I am going to once again get inside the head of everyone (the Secret Rapture which is Mass Psychosis) Within months, if not years, by my hand, we will be in the post apocalyptic world of 'Jericho' on TV! Stay tuned!

Brad said...

I suppose that the end times isn't something I think about, in general. I guess its mainly because, unlike a seemingly large percentage of Christians, I don't believe the end is near. It seems like every generation thinks their's is the beginning of the end.

I don't really find anything scary about Revelations or the Apocalypse or judgement or anything probably because of the above statement that I don't think the end will come in my lifetime. Also, the issue of Heaven and Hell isn't something I think about that much. My decision to become a Christian has not in any way been based on wanting to go to Heaven.

While I do believe that the USA has become a bloated, rotting corpse of its former self that is bound to fall sometime, I don't think it will be the last great power to fall. I think the US has a big ego and has exagerrated their importance with their beliefs that they are the last superpower and "God's Nation."

As for Mr. Space Cadet, you sir are carazy and I would not let you babysit my children if I had any.

Brad said...

Came across this video today from another blog I read that is relevant to this subject: