Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Part 3: Church

I will begin by saying this post could have looked a lot different, and I mean a lot. At one point my next post was going to be a scathing and demeaning view on the church, seen through my eyes. Fortunately some will say I have seen the light. Myself? I would like to think that I didn’t waste my last hour or so commenting on how shitty I am. Wondering how I came to this conclusion? Well, I am the church, so commenting on how shitty churches are, would just be an insult to myself. So I backed off, talked to a couple people and did some of my own thinking and came up with a better solution.

There is no doubt that I have problems with church, I’m sure they are well known to some, and not so well known to others, but the fact is I do, and I think it could be done in a different way.

“It is inevitable that enthusiastic members of the churches of Christ will begin to speak with members of other religious institutions, and invariably, the characteristics of what makes one church differ from the other must be discussed. Our religious friends will agree that there is one God, and that Jesus is the Head of the Body, the church, but there is a disconnect that occurs between us regarding what those things mean. While we insist vehemently that the churches of Christ (the sound ones) have the faith and practice right and everyone else has it wrong, this seems too much to swallow to our friends.” – unknown

I found this in me readings lately and it kind of put some things into perspective. The thing for me is I’m outspoken, sometimes when I should be and sometimes when I shouldn’t be. The statement is an honest assessment of how it is in churches. To me this quote seems to show the relative feeling that I have about church, I sometimes have a problem with people opposing my views.

If I am to be the church, then in a sense I do get to do things my own way. If I am to bring the kingdom of God to people on this earth however, I also have to do it God’s way. Someone asked me what the kingdom of God is this week. To me the kingdom of God is God living in me, and you and many church people. We take the kingdom of God wherever we go, because we reflect it. We reflect Jesus, or are supposed to, in every facet of life, the kingdom of God shines through our actions and our responses.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." - Luke 4:18-19

The church then, defined as an assembly of believers, is us, and we are the church. We have the responsibility to go out and do great things for God. And those great things start with the smallest of gestures that make an astounding difference too many different people. We have the responsibility to not only show the kingdom of God, but to bring it to the forefront of our lives, and into the dark world around us.

God is more domestic than monastic. It means, too, that in coming to know God, the dinner table is more important than the theology classroom, the practice of grateful hospitality is more important than the practice of right dogma, and meeting with others to pray as a community can give us something that long hours in private meditation (or, indeed, long years spent absent from church life) cannot. Such a concept also blurs all simple distinctions between “religious” and “purely secular” experience. - Ron Rolheiser

This quote intrigued me; it speaks of how I view church as being. I think most of what church should be, is done outside of Sunday from 11 – 1. Church incorporates hours, days and weeks. Church isn’t something that just happens Sunday, but something that keeps on going when the music stops. When real life starts, church shines, or at least it should. We bring the church wherever we go, something I have learned time and time again. Church is something we cannot get away from, it’s something we reflect, and greater more, we reflect God’s Kingdom and himself. While this might be a scary concept to digest, it is unavoidable; it is what we are called to do. It isn’t easy and I’m still not there, but I’ve made a commitment, and I find strength in what that commitment entailed.

“The community of Christians springs solely from the Biblical and Reformation message of the justification of man through grace alone…Not what a man is in himself as a Christian, his spirituality and piety, constitutes the basis of our community. What determines our brotherhood is what that man is by reason of Christ. Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to both of us.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “Life Together”)

Church, the way I want it to be, is more then just what I want, but what God wants. I want church to be a place where people are free to express themselves, a place where authority is used but never abused. One day I would love to see a “church” with people who question and ponder, a thinker’s paradise, if you will; A place to seek out truth, and share life together. I would like to see where church could really go. I want church to be was Jesus envisioned.

"Jesus...envisaged that, scattered around Palestine, there would be small groups of people loyal to himself, who would get together to encourage one another, and would act as members of a family, sharing some sort of common life and, in particular, exercising mutual forgiveness. It was because this way of life was what it was, while reflecting the theology it did, that Jesus' whole movement was thoroughly, and dangerously, 'political'. And...the main characteristic of the cells that Jesus called into being was of course loyalty to Jesus himself." -N.T. Wright

Friday, November 9, 2007

Life Part 2: God and People

After much debate, I will be keeping up the last post that I wrote. To be honest, the post was some brutal honesty that I had to get out, like the title suggests, that is life. And this is what I am writing about. Transparency is huge, and for this I had to be transparent enough to convey the message I was trying to get across. No need to explain more,
I’m always available to chat if you want to know anything further.

Life Part 2 deals with God, and other people. Enjoy.

So I know this family (I won’t put in names, I try to stay away from that now) that are just incredible. I met them through a kid I lead at our youth group. As all relationships, I’m sure it started off slow, and I’m sure they didn’t know what to think of me. I had a lot of opinions, I was 19 and I was entrusted to look after their son. I think that’s a scary proposition for any parent, but who knows, I haven’t a kid in the twinkle of my eye yet. Anyways, over time this relationship grew into what I now view as a great friendship, not only with the youth kid, but his parents, and his other siblings.

There was always something about these people that drew me in, at the time I couldn’t place a finger on it, but it was great. Over time I have figured it out more and more. These people were REAL. So transparent, so lax, it was a great place to be, and still is. As time went on, I got to know them more, and it was apparent that they were more then just the regular people you would meet. They had opinions, they shocked me by their intelligence on issues I only though I cared about. They could hold a conversation, and could even teach me things I was unaware of. These people had something that a lot of people lack, Honesty, transparency and they were just Real. They also had everything I was looking for at the time in people of the church. Conversations that would last for sometimes an hour or two just about life are some of the best experiences I have had.

It’s been almost a couple years now, and things I’ve been through a lot. Support has never been far away however, even when I was in the thick of it at youth and was going through all that, I was supported. It would have been easy for them to just say no to me and their son hanging out and what not, but they seemed to see something I even couldn’t. I have never felt looked down on, or sensed ridicule. For this I am indebted and extremely thankful.

Before I get too carried away, the point I’m trying to make is, some people see through all the crap, and make a decision. Even though I’ve messed up, and will probably do so again, they still loved, supported and were real with me.

God puts people into our lives for whatever reason. I would have never dreamed of meeting such people, but God does that. Its almost as if I was given an outlet, someone who I could also be just as transparent and not be ridiculed or looked down upon (which I know can be hard, I mean come on, its me for goodness sake) But the trust that they have put in me is amazing. God has crazy ways of doing things. I’m just glad to know he was thinking good things when he chose these people. I’m ecstatic about being able to do life with them, I have learned so much, and I hope to continue to grow this friendship and learn more and more.

More people should be this way however, these people reek of what church is supposed to be about, and that’s a compliment. Church to me is about communication, connection, being real, being raw and supporting and loving in a way that resembles Jesus. When you can find church and God in others in a real way, there is no better feeling.

Next time, my views on what church should look like.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NSFW Videos

Adrian Peterson Porn

Tom Brady Porn

And my favorite Porn, Shaun Rogers

You've Been Warned!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hello People!