Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Thank you Wayne Rooney and Long Live Stevie G
Yes, thank you very much for injuring Frank Lampard and making it so he could not play today. Wayne..with your shot in practice that broke his wrist, you may have just saved the hopes of a country, and the hopes of fans across the world. Making it so Steven Gerrard could play in his right role, and then for Gerrard to score twice makes what you did so much better.
Now in all seriousness Gerrard should always be played in the middle, but because Lampard can only play 1 position and 1 side in the center midfield, Mac had no other choice. Now he can play Gerrard where he wants. Gerrard was terrific on the right side last game, setting up many chances but Lampard couldn't score off of Gerrard's brilliant passes and crosses. Lampard should be dropped to the bench in favor of Lennon or Carrick.
Ever since Lampard started to suck hard at football England haven't been doing to hot. Now that he is out they are winning. It looks like England have a proper hero now in Gerrard, the way it was always meant to be. He should be captain, even the English press agree with this one. Thats a different story for a different time though. Long Live Stevie G.
The American Dream
Well, well, well, it has been a fun 4 days in America. Saturday morning came bright and early and we were off, with faint yells of We're Going to America (Borat style) echoing in the van. The Drive met us with an hour wait at the American border, I thought it was terrorist activity but my fears were rested as it was just a long line up.
Our first taste of the American Dream came in Grand Forks at a local Culvers restaurant. The food was plentiful. I immediately figured out why 75% of the people in there were fat. The burger was great however and I didn't care to much as i needed the full American experience. From there we drove to Fargo and i took over driving. American Roads are incredible. They keep them in great condition for the most part, everything is four lane and you don't stop for lights or anything. Everything is based on a system of exits. Americans are smart.
The drive into Minneapolis was long but enjoyable. Doing 75 MPH all the way helped and the fact that once we hit Albertsville it was all 6 lane. American drivers are much smarter then Canadian ones, even the women understand rules of the road. Everyone knows how to merge properly and keep up a decent speed. Not many people do under the speed limit, but a lot of people really over-do it. We reached our hotel, it was Very Nice. One thing I found was that, contrary to popular beliefs, Americans are actually nice.
Day 2 came quickly, and I anticipated it greatly. I had never been to Mall of America before. We got there and i was overwhelmed by the size of the place. Parking was ridiculous. I was met with the sign that said: Minnesota state Law prohibits Guns in Mall of American. Uhhh....Isn't this normal. Americans. Once I got into the mall I had a few revelations. One was that brothers and sisters seem to get a long nicely, too nicely, and I wasn't sure why they all had baby strollers either. But I figured they were just doing there parents a favor for the day and moved on. Another revelation I had was that American women look like men. I encountered quite of few women that were taller then I, and that had more manly features then I did. I blamed this on the doping practices used by many Americans to get ahead in life and moved on once more. The last revelation that I can remember was that I figured out why three quarters of the mall was over weight. LOOK AT THE FRICKEN MENU'S. Being a fit, healthy Canadian, I was in heaven, I could indulge without the fear of gaining 150 pounds. My two MASSIVE pieces of pizza and a medium drink that was actually a XL up here, was less then 10 bucks. Man it was good. Oh and on a side note, Natives are replaced with Mexicans in the states. The amount of Mexicans that were there was staggering. But I liked them, they were very friendly.
I continued to eat and do nothing, I was feeling very American. I was drawn to Gun shops, hunting places and the Nascar store. I wanted a mullet and chops, I wanted a beat up truck. I wanted a torn Gun's and Roses Shirt with a ripped denim vest. The weather was too hot though for that and I bought shorts and a plaid shirt.
Day 3 consisted of more eating and doing nothing. We went to IKEA and strolled around in there. At the end I stumbled upon something strange, something that reinforced my views of obesity in America. The restaurant sold hot dogs for 50 cents. I ordered 7 in total with 3 drinks and the price came to $5.45. Even the poor could eat rich here. This place was as good as gold. We went back to the mall were I encountered the same sort of trends as before. Did I mention that there were a lot of black people? Well there was but they were are nice and cool. Not bad like we see on TV. The day ended with another feast for cheap followed by bed, had to make sure I kept all the food in me while I slept for the maximum American experience.
Day 4 saw us leave and come home. I made sure to buy some beef Jerky and a over sized bottle of Powerade for the trip. We stopped in a few more locations on the way home but that was it.
Now for a more serious part to this. First off, like i said before, the black people are very nice. When i sat down to eat my cheap, fatty pizza I overheard two black guys talking, and about 10 mins in they introduced themselves to each other. I thought that was really cool. Another thing I found was that people were very nice where they worked. At one Wal-Mart we went too the people actually looked like they wanted to work. They looked committed to their job, even if it was just Wal-Mart. They were knowledgeable and helpful. The Latin population worked out here too, it was nice to walk into a mall and not see all the rift-raft that you see here walking around.
I also saw my dream place to live. The place was called Clearwater in Minnesota. It's a great little town thats lively and quiet at the same time. Perfect weather and it just looks like something out of the movies. I'll admit that small town American is a much nicer proposition then small town Manitoba. The country down there is well kept, the highways are well kept. Bathrooms were clean everywhere I went. I love Canada, but America is an awesome place to be.
I learned a lot out there, especially about people. People who I probably had misleading views on before. But seeing them and how they get on it was nice to see that the media was wrong. These people are actually respectable and lead respectable lives. They weren't all flashing their guns and beating the crap out of people everywhere you went. And this was nice, it was a good place to be and you felt safe. There was no fear of anyone you didn't have to look down and walk. To push my political opinion I would say that George Bush has made this country great in the past several years. It's better then what it used to be and thats the best part.
Friday, March 23, 2007
I've been told to not care about what i think but to respect others. But on the flip side of that, why don't those people do the same? I guess its always right to be on the right side of what its acceptable professionally. I dunno just a strange thought lately.
Next up, last night at our young adults get together we talked about a few things. One thing we talked about was pacifism and the ability to turn away when someone hits you. Now i didn't talk to much last night as i had talked to much that week and got myself into some trouble. This seems to be the norm in my life with me and my mouth, but alas. I think its wrong to let someone hit you, to take advantage of you like that. Why? Well if someone hits you, it is in every right of yours, legally, to hit that person back. Is my example supposed to be that if someone hits me then I'm a wimp and people see its easy to take advantage of a Christian. Or is it to walk away and be the "bigger man". I hate the statement in some regards. I'm no less of a man for defending myself, then i would be to walk away. It's not about walking away or setting an example. It's about doing what is right in a situation like that. Defending your right to live safely.
People who are pacifists amaze me. I've heard stories where they wouldn't care if there families were at stake, they wouldn't do a bloody thing about it. This is my opinion is completely stupid. If you cannot defend yourself and your family from evil, then you need to be seeking a psychiatrist.
One comment was last night that well what about the other person. Say if you kill this person to save your family, instead of you dying and going to heaven, because you are Christians, you kill the other guy and damn him to a life in hell. Right.... basically this says it's ok to kill other Christians now because hey, we are all going to the same place right. No jail time no nothing, just the feeling like hey, I am the man, I'm saving people by each swing of my Machete. Hell, we might as well have Christian Gladiator with real weapons and put it on Pay Per View. What a spectacle that would be. Or maybe created a reality show of Christians killing Christians, we could have surprise attacks and ambushes and just laugh at it because we just sent them to heaven. I could make millions, and it would all go to the ministry of sending others to the pearly gates. What a business plan! Watch out American Idol, your ratings are about to drop. (All in good fun)
I have a problem with people who say they wouldn't defend themselves or others. My future job will require me to use force. Should Police Officers be allowed to defend themselves and others? We aren't supposed to separate God from our Jobs, so how do Cops get away with it? I don't think it would look right if I was a cop and I let others die because I didn't want to pull my gun.
Anyways this is just my opinion on this matter. But there must be something seriously wrong with people that are pacifists. If life is about being righteous and doing what is right, then pacifism has no place. Wouldn't the best thing you could do for someone is put your own life on the line to save another? The bible says that laying your life done for another is the greatest act of love.
Monday, March 19, 2007
EPL Weekend Review
Man it has been a while since i last posted on this. Anyways here are the scores, standings and top scorers as well as the Goal of the week, and this one is a beauty.
Sun - 18 Mar 07
A Villa 0 0 Liv'pool
Charlton 2 0 N'castle
Everton 1 0 Arsenal
Sat - 17 Mar 07
Blackb'n 1 2 West Ham
Chelsea 3 0 Sheff U
Man Utd 4 1 Bolton
M'brough 0 2 Man City
Reading 0 0 Portsm'h
Tot'ham 3 1 Watford
Wigan 0 0 Fulham
Not a great week for Liverpool, but at least we got a point for a terrible outing.
Team Pld Pts
Man Utd 30 75
Chelsea 30 69
Arsenal 29 55
Liverpool 30 54
Bolton 30 47
Everton 30 46
Tottenham 30 45
Reading 30 44
Portsmouth 30 42
Blackburn 30 40
Newcastle 30 37
M'brough 30 36
Aston Villa 30 34
Fulham 30 34
Man City 29 33
Wigan 30 33
Sheff Utd 30 31
Charlton 30 27
West Ham 30 23
Watford 30 20
Top Scorers:
Player Team Goals
Didier Drogba Chelsea 18
Cristiano Ronaldo Manchester United 16
Benni McCarthy Blackburn Rovers 12
Wayne Rooney Manchester United 12
Yakubu Aiyegbeni Middlesbrough 12
Robin Van Persie Arsenal 11
Frank Lampard Chelsea 11
Andrew Johnson Everton 11
Thierry Henry Arsenal 10
Obafemi Martins Newcastle United 10
And now for the goal of the week and yes, that is the goalkeeper, and yes, he's England's Goalkeeper.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Debugging the Global Warming Myth
These are some of the points from the movie the Great Global Warming Swindle, i sugguest downloading this from, a bit-torrent site, and then wathching it. Here are some of the points from "actual" Scientists, they are alot differnt then Gore's and make alot more sense.
On contradictions in the theory of anthropogenic global warming
- Records of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels since 1940 show a continuing increase, but during this period, global temperature decreased until 1975, and has increased since then. (It emerged subsequent to the programme that the graph used to support this claim was twenty years old, and Durkin agreed that the time axis had been incorrectly relabelled to give the impression that it contained data up to 2000. In later reruns, the graph was corrected.)
- Theories of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas predict that the temperature in the troposphere should increase the fastest, but satellite and weather balloon data do not show this.
- Water vapour is the component of the atmosphere that has the largest impact on the planet's temperature, through cloud formation and associated reflection of incoming solar heat.
- Carbon dioxide is only a very small percentage of the atmosphere, 0.052% , and humans only contribute a small part of the total CO2 emissions in a year; this means that human CO2 emissions cannot be the main cause of global warming.
- Carbon dioxide levels increase or decrease due to temperatures increasing or decreasing rather than temperatures following carbon dioxide levels, because the Earth's oceans absorb carbon dioxide when they are cooler, and release it when they are warmer. Due to the large oceanic mass it takes a long time ("decades or centuries") for the reaction to temperature changes to occur, which is why analysis of the Vostok Station and other ice cores shows that changes in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide follow changes in global temperature, with a lag of 800 years.
- Solar activity is currently at a high level, and likely to be the cause of the current global warming. The mechanism involves cosmic rays aiding cloud formation, and the solar wind deflects cosmic rays away from Earth during periods of high solar activity. Solar activity levels are far more relevant than the small percentage of greenhouse gases being emitted by humans described in other theories.
- Changes in solar activity match changes in global temperatures much more accurately than do changes in CO2 levels (Eigil Friis-Christensen and Knud Lassen, 1991).
- The current warming is nothing unusual and was surpassed during the Medieval Warm Period. This was a time of great prosperity in Europe, highlighting the beneficial effects of increased temperatures.
On research findings driven by financial or ideological motives
- The claim that sceptics are funded by the oil industry is false, and in any case the research funds provided by oil companies are dwarfed by those provided by governments to the alleged "global warming industry".
- There has been a large increase in the research funds available for studies relating to global warming. Including a putative link to global warming effects makes it likelier that a research scientist will get a research grant. Furthermore, producing dramatic and pessimistic results has a positive impact on the standing of scientists.
- It is more likely that vested interests occur among supporters of the theory of anthropogenic global warming, since many jobs in science, the media, and governmental administration have been created as a result of this theory.
- Some supporters of the anthropogenic theory of global warming do so because it is in concordance with their ideological beliefs opposing capitalism, economic development, globalization, industrialisation, and the United States.
- The theory was promoted by Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the interest of supporting the nuclear power industry.
Disputing a scientific consensus supporting anthropogenic global warming
- The "2,500 top scientists" mentioned in the IPCC report are not all scientists and do not all agree with the report.
- The IPCC report misrepresented the views of some of the scientists who contributed to it. When Paul Reiter complained and requested that his name be removed, this request was refused until he threatened legal action.
- The concept of anthropogenic global warming has developed into a modern religion, with sceptics treated as heretics and labelled as "global warming deniers", in order to equate genuine scientific scepticism with holocaust denial. Several prominent sceptics have received death threats as a result of their work on climate change.
- A similar scare emerged during the 1970s when scientists predicted global cooling and the imminent onset of a new ice age.
- The negative effects of the precautionary principle, which has been used by supporters of the anthropogenic theory of global warming, are discussed. For example, the World Health Organization estimates that every year, four million children die globally from respiratory diseases related to inhaling smoke from cooking fires because they do not use electrical cooking methods.
- It is immoral for industrialised populations to demand that developing African nations ignore their reserves of cheap fossil fuels (coal and oil), and instead rely on expensive renewable power generation techniques, such as solar panels and wind driven generators.
I have much more information taken from newspapers and the lot that I will try to get up here at some point, but i want to look at this from a better persepective, a Scientific perspective, one that has not been shown yet in the media very much.
Heres another tidbit of info to go along with this. These are the people featured in the film here, notice the trend here, wow thats crazy, they are actual scientists!
Syun-Ichi Akasofu - Professor and Director, International Arctic Research Center
Tim Ball - Head of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (misattributed as Professor from the Department of Climatology, University of Winnipeg. Ball left his faculty position in the Department of Geography in 1996; the Department of Climatology does not exist.)
Nigel Calder - Former Editor, New Scientist
John Christy - Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville and Lead Author, IPCC
Ian Clark - Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa
Piers Corbyn - Weather Forecaster, Weather Action
Paul Driessen - Author: Green Power, Black Death
Eigil Friis-Christensen - Director, Danish National Space Center and Adjunct Professor, University of Copenhagen
Nigel Lawson - Former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer
Richard Lindzen - Professor, Department of Meteorology, M.I.T.
Patrick Michaels - Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Patrick Moore - Co-founder, Greenpeace
Paul Reiter - Professor, Department of Medical Entomology, Pasteur Institute, Paris
Nir Shaviv - Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Jerusalem
James Shikwati - Economist and author
Frederick Singer - Professor Emeritus, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia (misattributed in the film as Former Director, U.S. National Weather Service. From 1962-64 he was Director of the National Weather Satellite Service.)
Roy Spencer - Weather Satellite Team Leader, NASA
Philip Stott - Professor Emeritus, Department of Biogeography, University of London
Carl Wunsch - Professor, Department of Oceanography, M.I.T. (who has since repudiated the program
These people seem to be a lot more reputable then a Former vice-President, and a former animal lover. Educated people would have to agree that listening to actual educated people on a subject would be far more intelligent then listening to a former VP and a animal lover.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Great Read!
My take on Global Warming
This is going to be short and to the point (I hope).
First off, i agree that this world might have problems in the future if we don't tackle this issue. If the facts are tampered with then from what I've seen from "REAL" scientists, there is a cause for concern. I say "real" scientists because i do not see the leading people in this debate, Al Gore and David Suzuki, as scientists. A real scientist will keep and open mind. A real scientist will look at all the perspectives, and not just the one that has to do with Co2 being the only reason. A real scientist will try everything in their power to present the real facts, not just the ones they want to hear. We DO NOT get this from Suzuki, and definitely not Gore.
My other gripe on this issue is that it is turning into a Fad, if it hasn't already. The problem is people listen to this stuff, and then run around like a chicken with their heads cut-off squabbling senseless bullshit in the name of anything Green. Get a Grip! This problem would be more of a problem to most if the people trying to advocate it didn't look like tools. Nothing makes me want to believe someone more then a person with the word moron written across their head. When i grow up i wanna be just like them. /sarcasm.
How many environmentalists take the bus everywhere they go? How many environmentalists own Prius' and other hybrids. How many of these people actually live without high energy using appliances and other forms of technology? How many of these people actually live what they preach. With an open mind and a realistic standpoint, i would venture to say not that many. It seems that most of these people would rather have other people give up their conveniences then their own.
Now, a real tree-hugger would go out and buy a Prius, yes it is expensive, but does it not pay for itself in the end, and besides, its doing a lot more good for the environment then any other car they may be driving. Why aren't these people living with candle light and fire pits. I'm serious about this, if these people want to reverse the effects, wouldn't they have to reverse their way of living. And if they cannot do that, then why do they tell others too. Set examples. Of course what I am saying is unrealistic, I realize this, and thats my point. It is unrealistic to think that 2 morons are going to change the world. Its unrealistic to think im going to trade in my high-performance car for something that doesn't perform against a turtle. It's unrealistic to think that educated people will actually take what Gore and Suzuki say and just start doing it. An educated person(anyone in grade 1 or higher) should realize that this is not the only way to help. This is the only way that people think they can change.
Take this quote from Gore as an example:
- “In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality. And the Category 5 denial is an enormous obstacle to any discussion of solutions. Nobody is interested in solutions if they don’t think there’s a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous (global warming) is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.” — Al Gore
Why don't environmentalists look into nuclear power. This has been brought up by leading scientists, real scientists as a excellent alternative to what we have now. Why are people against this? Is the risk of a rare disaster so high that a tree-hugger, who thinks the world is going to end anyways because of global warming, isn't willing to take the chance. Why are these people against Hydro-electricity, WHY? It's renewable, and of a natural source. These are things that are perplexing. They don't make sense, but oh well, blame the SUV's, Blame 8 cylinder engines because we should never enjoy horsepower again. No that would be too much for our world to handle, it cant take the rumble of a V-8 motor.
In my opinion, if Global Warming was such a huge threat, you would have leading scientists taking charge of the debate, and not leaving it to a moron and a animal person. If it was serious the world would know, and it wouldn't be feed propaganda from Al Gore. If this thing was so big that it was to make such a change in the way we live, then the people who advocate it would do just that, advocate, not just sit there and wait for the world to help them. Idealism will not work in this situation, we need real solutions, real plans, not ones like stop driving big vehicles. A plan that gives realistic measures to take and follow, a plan that lets us live normal lives while helping make them better. A plan that makes sense to people and that is being delivered by someone that is credible. Until then we are stuck watching garbage and listening to idiots talk about the garbage.
Would Suzuki and Gore really be talking about this if their careers weren't on their last breaths?
Friday, March 9, 2007
The Draw!
Well, the CL draw was this morning and we have drawn PSV. This will be the rematches as we met them in the group phase twice, drawing away from home, and winning 2 - 0 at Anfield. While most will think this is an easy route into the last 4, we need to be cautious of this team, they did take out Arsenal in the last round. A quirky bit, if we were to advance and Chelsea did too, we will meet them for the second time in 3 years in the CL semi-finals, what a tie that would be.
Other Draw Results:
Liverpool vs. PSV
A.C. Milan vs. Bayern Munich
Chelsea vs. Valencia
Manchester United vs. Roma
Should be great. Next matches are slated for April 3/4, with the return legs on the 10/11.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
The End Times
"End times beliefs in Christianity vary widely. Christian premillennialists, who believe the End Times are now, usually articulate a fairly specific timetable that climaxes in the end of the world. For some, Israel, the European Union, or the United Nations are seen as key players whose role was foretold in prophecies. Among dispensational premillennialists, there are those that believe that they will be supernaturally summoned to Heaven by God in an event called the Rapture before the tribulations prophesied in the Bible's book of Revelation take place.
'End times' may also refer simply to the passing of a particular age or long period in the relationship between man and God. Adherents to this view sometimes cite St. Paul's second letter to Timothy, and draw analogies to the late 20th/early 21st centuries."
What do you think about this, or think about the End Times in General?
Does reading Revelations scare you at all?
Do you ever wonder what will happen, do words like Apocalypse, rapture, or judgement scare you?
And are we living during the last millennium right now? Is the USA the last great power, the one that will fall to its knees?
What a game, what a tie. This champions league fixture pitted the last two champions league winners against one another. Barcelona, led by the mighty (or not so) Ronaldinho, the supposed best player in the world, against the so-called underdogs, Liverpool.
The first leg saw Liverpool a goal down after 18 mins, but a moment of brilliance right before the half time saw Liverpool draw level in what would be a crucial goal for the game. The second half saw an VERY IMPORTANT goal scored by John Arne Riise and Liverpool won the game in front of a 100,000 Barcelona fans at the Nou Camp.
Fast forward a fortnight and we have the clash at Fortress Anfield. The game started with Liverpool dominating possession and chances. We rang two of the crossbar in the opening half, and had multiple chances to go 2 up and seal the tie. Half time, however, came with a goalless draw.
The second half was more of the same, though Barca got a few more chances. And in the 75th minute they scored Via Gudjohnsen, an ex-Russian who couldn't find the back of the net on a wide open shot two years ago in the CL semi-finals. This set up for what should have been a tense 15 mins, but was dulled by the fact that Liverpool attacked and almost won the game with a Peter Crouch goal, but he couldn't get his 7 foot legs on the ball. 3 mins of added time ensued and Barca got impatient and gave away a couple of fouls and the final whistle blew with Anfield bouncing. It was the best atmosphere since we beat Chelski two years ago, but this time we beat a better team.
So after all the pessimism, all the doubt, all the retards who said it couldn't be done, i say look who's going through, and look who is out. People cannot say Barca was a better team, even the coach of Barca, Frank Rijkaard said Liverpool deserved this win. So I will bask in this glory, and take pity on whoever faces us in the quarter finals. Cheers.
Oh and we await the arrival of Samuel Eto'o now, the best african player in the world, much better then Drogba.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
My Other Love
Liverpool have been my team ever since i was about 10 years old, this is when i saw Michael Owen for the first time, and heard about a new kid in the youth ranks named Steven Gerrard. Times were not that well during that time, the team i choose to support weren't winning trophies and seasons were mediocre. That was alright though, my newfound love for the team was immense and i was willing to go through some ups and downs, and what a ride it would be.
After watching World Cup 98 my love intensified with the heroic displays of Michael Owen, who was to become arguably the best striker in England for the next 5 or 6 years, and Liverpool's all-time leading scorer. Times were good.
After this there was another couple of mediocre years, and then came the 2001 season.
This was to be the best season i have ever seen out of Liverpool since i started supporting the club. Liverpool this year would go onto win the Treble, which is winning three major trophies in one season. Liverpool won the Carling Cup, the FA cup and the Uefa Cup. And if you factor in the start of the following season, we also won the Uefa Super Cup and the Community Shield, all in one Calender year.
This was the start of a trend at Liverpool FC. The next couple of season saw Liverpool consistently make the champions league and they were starting to develop a team worthy of Champions League success. Fast forward to 2004 - 2005 season. Michael Owen had been sold to Real Madrid, in what would be the dumbest thing he could have ever done. Pissed off, but knowing we had the best midfielder in the game, i wasn't too distraught by the dealing, though i had doubt for the future of scoring goals.
Liverpool were in the champions league once more, and this time would be one to remember. We started out in a relatively easy group, having only Olympiacos as the real threat, and only because they had Rivaldo. The group phase, however, didn't go to plan, and it came down to the final game against the Greek side, Liverpool needed to win by 2 clear goals. Here is the highlights of the game:
What an incredible game.
The next game came against Bayer Leverkusen who we stormed through and won 6-2 on aggregate.
The next match was against the Mighty Juventus, but we won 2-1 at home on the day and tied the second leg at the Stadio De Alppi.
This set up a match with the the Russians(Chelsea) And what a two legged affair it would be. Liverpool would tie the first leg, setting up an extraordinary display of support at Anfield in the return leg. Highlights:
This set us up for the clash in Istanbul. And what a final it was:
Touted as the best final ever in the Champions League, it was even better then the Man U v. Bayern one in 1999. Liverpool were back on top of the world.
The following year Liverpool would get screwed in the Club World Championship, losing to Sao Paulo in a game were Liverpool score 3 clear goals, all of which were brought back for no real reason.
2006 would be another great year for Liverpool, as we would win the FA cup, and this time, we would again oust Chelsea in the Semi-Finals to set up this match, another unbelievable match, which as been touted as the Gerrard Final, watch and see:
Another spectacular comeback by Liverpool, and again at the center of it was Steven Gerrard.
This year has been an up and down one, we are out of the league cup and the FA cup, and out of the title race, but we are in great position to oust Barcelona from the Champions league, and give us hope of another incredible CL run.
Liverpool are the most successful team ever to come out of England, with 18 league titles, 5 CL titles, 3 Uefa cups and handfuls of League cups and FA cups, no one comes close to the caliber of Liverpool over the years. Say what you want about my team, but the stats don't lie, and either do the accomplishments. Some say I'm obsessed, and with good reason, but i think im just a avid fan, supporting a team that ive always liked. YNWA.