Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Kudos to A-Rod for at least coming out and saying he did do it. He didn't necessarily lie about it in 2007 because of the fact that there was no substantial list of Banned substances when he was tested. When he was told that there was him and another 100+ players that may or may not have tested positive, there was no follow up done with him at the time.

Here is the thing: Why didn't Bonds go this route? And Clemens for that matter. Clearly they are both guilty. There is a LONG list of people waiting to testify against the asterisk man. While there is no turning back now for Bonds, it doesn't seem worth it, once he is found guilty of lying to a Grand Jury, to take that risk or jail time over a little humiliation. That humiliation wouldn't have been even half as bad as it will be soon.

People are going to say ignorant things such as , "...well maybe he didn't really take any performance enhancing drugs..." or "...not Barry, he's such a stand up guy, Canseco and all those trainers and nutritionists and former teammates are wrong..." Those people are naive. With mountains of evidence waiting for the court date in March, how could one think otherwise?

Personally I hope Bonds is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I would hope in the end that his records are stripped from Baseball history. Ideally this happens. Ideally the US Federal Government makes an example of Mr. Bonds so that Senators can get back to trying to pull their country out of recession.

Maybe we should blame Barry for the United State's economic despair. Shame on you Barry, all that for a high voice, smaller testicles and a record few people give you credit for.

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