Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Coalition

If anyone had any doubts about the coalition and what it means to Canada, you can look no further now to the Omar Khadr issue. Enough rhetoric has been let fly over a man who is charged with murdering an American Medic. But the supposed "voice of the people"--The coalition, has signed papers to bring this "victim" back into Canada. The coalition is appealing to Harper and Obama to release him from Gitmo and bring him back to Canada where we can assess his situation and ultimately integrate him back into society.

Now we all know Jack Layton sleeps with terrorists, it has been well documented over the years, but for goodness sake....

In the interest of picking up some votes, the retarded trio has decided to side with a guy accused of murder and war crime charges. A pathetic display of looking out for the safety of this country of ours. Too much time is being spent on an individual who does not deserve the time of day, especially with the economic problems plaguing us and our southern neighbors.

According to the coalition, who seem to have reignited themselves over such a marginal issue, and thus have tried to portray some relevance to people who vaguely found the relevant 3 months ago -- murderers have a place in Canadian society.

In times of economic crisis, the Coalition would like you to care for a 22 year old terrorist and murderer rather then figure out how to get food on too the tables of the jobless and their families. But of course, the majority of Canadians want this right?

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