Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just a thought...

So just because Mr. Obama owned up to a mistake he never should have made, he deserves to be pardoned based on the premise that if one admits wrong doing they receive less scrutiny?

....Well sorry Mr. Officer, I did kill that man but I do believe I made a mistake and a terrible error of judgment. Instead of arresting me for murder, a simple slap on the wrist and I'll be a changed man.

There isn't much room for error when your at the top, just ask Greg Norman about the 1996 masters. There is even less room when the US economy is on the brink of catastrophe. People should be more demanding of the man they voted in to "change" the world.


Brad said...

Perhaps a better example for you to use, based on your religious beliefs, would be "Dear Lord, please forgive me for my sins...."

Scott said...

Yes, because the American People are gonna let that slide too right?

Brad said...

I think you're missing the point of my post. You use the example of the police officer and the murderer to suggest it be ludicrous to let Obama off the hook for making a mistake because he apologized. However, your entire religious belief system is based on the idea that a supernatural being will forgive us for our sins (mistakes) if we repent (ie. admit to what we done wrong). So why should it be so ludicrous that we forgive a man for admitting his mistakes when your creator of the universe does?

Especially a politician. When was the last time a politician admitted to a mistake unless they were found guilty of some crime in a court of law? The fact is Obama is human. As such, he will make mistakes because all humans do. The fact that he admitted to a mistake publicly is encouraging because it suggests that he can identify mistakes, admit to them and thus he has a chance to learn from them. If we do not admit our mistakes, we can never learn and improve.

Scott said...

To bad that's not how the Pundits, nor the American people really see it. They view it somewhat as a weakness. Whether or not he will admit his mistakes, we will know about them almost before he knows he's making them. They beauty of the media. So in some situations he's going to be forced to apologize because he has set the bar so high for himself and he's starting to lose control already. Also the apology itself lends to the fact that he must now apologize for all mistakes the media creates for him.

The underestimated the pressures of being a President. I would love to see what he would do if a 9/11 scenario happened again. While he may have the swagger that Bush lacked, he does not have the demeanor that says "I am Commander and Chief". I don't think he could handle a 9/11 scenario well; something Bush was praised for.

All in all, I think people can see through the crap when a politician admits a mistake. It's all for gamesmanship anyways. Sincerity is left begging...