Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For old time sake

I think after this I will be done ragging on Taliban Jack, but I need one more kick at this before I bow out on communist fools.

By Jack Layton's logic, the conservatives shouldn't be in power because the majority of Canadians voted to not have the Conservatives in power. (This of course would be the case with all Canadian gov'ts for over 20 years... but let's put that aside)

This logic of course assumes that you are defined not by what you are for but by what you oppose. By the same extension of logic Jack Layton, who received around 20,000 votes in his riding, should not have won because approximately 25,000 people voted against him. Of course, that's ridiculous just as it ridiculous to assume that the majority of Canadians voted for the Dr Frankenstein attempt to form a government.

Those who are in this logic bracket probably shouldn't be so niave. Mr. Layton figures that even though he faced the same voting situation, it doesn't matter because "most" of Canada wants a coalition. Again this is based on his own logic, and not based on facts raised in the polls and the genral outcry by anyone other then other fellow commies. I guess he is still certain the most Canadians are dumb. Problem is, he doesn't realize it is only his own party that cannot understand proper logical, and non-hyprcritical arguements. Furthermore, it seems he cannot even lead the idiots to glory.

But this is the guy who we should trust to lead Canadians in tough econmoic times....amirite?

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