Monday, August 6, 2007

Sports Musings

A few things that have been on my mind in the world of sports this week...

Fernando Alonso is a dink, Just because a young, and more talented driver in Lewis Hamilton is better then you, and McLaren has taken to Him instead of you, doesn't mean you should get all pissy and block him in the pit lane. Now you fell back to 4th in the race and Hamilton took the checkered flag. So you lost points, lost position and now lost a good teammate because of your retardedness....smooth...

Barry Bonds, what can I say, congrats for tying the record set by Hank Aaron. Good for you, we all know you had help, and that Aaron didn't, but thats okay. It must suck, however, that everywhere you go, people boo the Scheisse out of you. You will probably break the record, soon too, but the fact remains most people couldn't care less. The fact of the matter remains you needed your good friend 'roids to help you out. Regardless of whether it is legal or illegal, it will still sour your so-called record.

The Tour De Dope should take a look at itself. You have, in the last 3 years, had one guy rumored probable to have taken performance enhancing drugs, who won. One positive tester and winner of the '06 Tour, and now this years leader until the second last day go out because he failed to make a test. Not to mention all the others that tested positive this year.

And finally HAHA to all the "supposed" Toronto FC fans this weekend. Poor morsels, cry some more. "I want my Money back", "We got screwed". WHAAAA!!!!!!! And how so, because you didn't get to see Beckham play??!?!? Oh this is just peachy. Nothing makes me happier then seeing the MLS's fan base based on...yup, you called it, one player. What did i say all the long? OH but Scott, the MLS is a good league... But Scott, Beckham just adds to the success of the MLS... ROFL. Beckham just pissed a lot of fans off. These so-called MLS fans blew a fuse when they couldn't see Beckham and had to actually watch the MLS game instead. I can't blame them either, I mean when you pay for a nice steak, you don't want a manure sandwich instead right? The MLS seriously needs to look at their league. The soccer is lackluster and the only things bringing it popularity is a player who is too good for the league. Beckham is bigger then the MLS, that doesn't say a lot about the league.


Brad said...

In regards to Bonds (since baseball was the only legitimate sport you discussed here :))

Scott said...

Still, im not a fan.

Too me it seems that Bonds is a cocky, arrogant, SOB. It doesn't seem he cares about the record. Lets face it, he wasn't that happy when he hit it. Look at McGuire, at least you could see the elation on the mans face. I think if Bonds attitude was better, people would like him more. Records are fine and dandy, but when the majority of people around the league don't like you, including most of the fans around the league, Whats the point?

I rather have a legacy of being a good Baseball player that hit a lot of homers, then a douchebag that broke a record.