Monday, July 16, 2007

Today's Pondering...

Scott is glad that anonymous posters cannot post on his blog anymore because they are, for the most part, useless. Scott is also glad that he doesn't have to read the senseless BS that is posted by the anonymous posters. Scott is pondering why people think they can just do what they want and say what they will behind the curtains of the internet.

People should learn to grow up, maybe grow a set. Maturity does not lie in anonymity.

Autobots, Rollout!


Anonymous said...

I suggest you take your immaturity elsewhere. Posts like this are pointless and I think you should re-consider. I think I may have to pass this trash onto some people in positions of authority.


Scott said...

Look, if your trying to get under my skin/annoy me/test me/try and get me to say something dumb to get me in more trouble..........

Its not going to happen. You can say all you want, insult me, make outlandish statements, call me immature, tell me I'm this or that or I'm wrong or whatever. Thats fine, I'm fine with this. I have much better things to do with my time then argue with you, whoever you may be. Your immaturity has shown in the fact you stalk me around the internet waiting for me to slip up.

I do intend to be on the straight and narrow now on though, sorry to inform you, but i have a lot more things to live for. Your comments don't bother me in the least, in fact, they bring joy to my day, i love reading them and chuckling and sharing them with friends and co-workers ;) Do keep them coming though, they offer a lot of comic relief for the millions and millions of people who read my blog.

Have a nice Day! KTHXBYE

Anonymous said...
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